when standing on lava and mining Hellstone). It is still possible to fall through lava whenever there is a change in its fluid level (e.g.It also reduces lava's base damage from 80 to 35. Lava Waders additionally provide immunity to the Burning debuff incurred from contact with Meteorite, Hellstone or Hellstone Brick. The countdown only applies when submerged in lava, whereas the player can stand on its surface indefinitely. Lava immunity time is recharged gradually by exiting lava, the same way breathing time is recharged by exiting water (albeit much more slowly).Īll liquids, including lava, can be walked on indefinitely while the Lava Waders are equipped. The 7-second countdown is signified by a lava meter that displays over the player's head, similar to the Breath meter, but displaying flame icons instead of bubbles. Lava Waders also allow the player to submerge in lava safely for 7 seconds (press the ▼ Down key to submerge), without incurring lava damage or triggering the On Fire! debuff. The Lava Waders are an accessory that allow the player to walk on the surface of all liquids, including water, honey, shimmer and even lava, without taking lava damage or triggering the On Fire! debuff (unlike the Water Walking Boots and Obsidian Water Walking Boots, which only allow walking on water and honey).